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20060701_esplanade.jpg All Pictures

All pictures currently posted

2976 photos

R150D_IMG_2478.jpg Picture of the Day

Random picture of the day

1 photos

r90_6.jpg Italian Pics

Pictures from Italy, circa 1979

40 photos

IMG_3295.JPG Flowers & Fauna

Roundup of flowers and fauna from all corners of the world

433 photos

20050807_bkyd.jpg Chicago, IL

Pictures from, in some way or form, the Chicagoland area

497 photos

wetbranch.jpg Finger Lakes

Pictures from the Finger Lakes Region, upstate New York. Currently includes pictures from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

34 photos

truck_light.jpg Black & White

Black & white photographs

49 photos

home_pump2.jpg Ryerson Preserve

A forest and prairie preserve in Chicago's northern suburbs. First visited 10/2004.

11 photos

dc2010_0236.jpg Creatures

All creatures, great and small

177 photos

seattle_371.jpg Evidence of Things Not Seen

An examination of that usually not seen - a snapshot at an odd angle, close up, stopping time and so on.

17 photos

santafe_272.jpg Santa Fe 5/2005

What I saw on short trip to Santa Fe, NM, May 2005

84 photos

seattle_482.jpg Seattle 6/2006

Vacation shots, Seattle area, June 2006

133 photos

seattle_458.jpg Seattle Signs

There are a lot of neon - and other non-traditional - signs in Seattle. Here are some of them.

22 photos

20060701_bluespruce.jpg Chicago Botanical Gardens

Created to store pics taken during a July 1, 2006 trip. I will be adding older pics later.

24 photos

IMG_8376.JPG Infrared Pics

Film and digital pics; all infrared pictures

23 photos

romy_montana7.jpg Montana 7/2007

Shots from our trip to Montana, July 2007

207 photos

montana_303.jpg Glacier National Park, MT

Shots from our trip to Glacier National Park, MT, July 2007

68 photos

maine2008_0779.jpg Maine 9/2008

Pictures of our September, 2008 vacation to the Maine coast - Portland up through Bar Harbor. Emphasis on Acadia National Park.

302 photos

maine2008_0802.jpg Acadia National Park, ME - 9/2008

Pics - good and bad weather - from our September, 2008 vacation to Mount Desert Island.

87 photos

IMG_3301.JPG Chicago Bot Garden - 2009

July 2009. Lots of blooming going on. Excellent!

24 photos

IMG_4321.JPG Botanic Gardens 5/2010

Chicago Botanic Garden, May 28,2010

18 photos

dc2010_0459.jpg Maryland/DC 9/2010

Trip to the Chesapeake Bay and Washington, D.C. - September, 2010

242 photos

sd2013_0007.jpg South Dakota 9/2013

Rapid City nexus for trips to areas around same - September 2013

228 photos

oregon2014_0429.jpg Oregon 9/2014

Northwest trip, day trips based out of Portland, OR, September 2014

274 photos

R150D_IMG_0035.jpg Gevena, IL - Art Fair

Geneva art fair - 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018

15 photos

colo2015_0332.jpg Colorado 2015

What we saw south of Denver, basically based out of Colorado Springs, CO

321 photos

idaho2016_0041.jpg Lee/Romy

Pics of us, wherever

17 photos

idaho2016_0533.jpg Idaho 2016

Vacation ID & WA 2016

228 photos

idaho2016_0065.jpg Metal Works

Metal stuff - around trees, manhole covers and so on. Each city is a little different, which makes it fun

7 photos

R150D_IMG_2213.jpg BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Hindu temple in Bartlett, IL - July 23, 2017

20 photos

20200330_playground.JPG Signs of the Times

Signs in the age of coronavirus - 2020

11 photos

oregon2024_eos_3025.JPG South Oregon 2024

Vacation pics from south central Oregon, September 2024

138 photos